100 Inning day
1st Annual 100 Inning Day on Saturday, February 4, 2023
All players (middle school and high school) will participate in this event.
We would like to take this opportunity to follow up with you on our 1st Annual 100 Inning Day fundraising event. Due to weather and field conditions, we opted to spread this year’s event over two days (Saturday afternoon, 02.04.2023, and Monday afternoon, 02.06.2023). After all of the rain last week, we had beautiful weather and a great turnout at the field on Saturday.
If you have already submitted your monetary contribution - we thank you so much! For those who have made a pledge but have not yet submitted payment OR for those who missed our earlier emails but would love to support your favorite player and his teammates, we are still accepting payments towards this fundraising campaign (cash, check, Venmo @CalhounHRClub, PayPal @CalhounHomeRunClub). Whichever method of payment you choose, please indicate which player you would like to be recognized for his help in supporting our program.
Our varsity team opened up Tuesday night with a scrimmage game against Class AAAAAAA powerhouse North Paulding H.S. Our middle school team also opened up Tuesday night with a scrimmage against Rome Middle. It was so good to see our Jackets back out on the field in black and gold.
Please check out our website for upcoming photos from our 1st Annual 100 Inning Day fundraising event! More pictures and videos to come throughout the season!
As always, we thank you for your consideration and support. Go Jackets!