Mission Statement
The sole purpose of the Home Run Club is to raise funds to support the needs of the school baseball program. We are committed to the development of these young men and believe there are many life lessons to be gained from their participation in school team sports. Community and business support is vital to this program and will enable the Home Run Club to positively support these young men and their coaching staff as they strive to continue to build upon the historical success this program has enjoyed in the past.
President - Greg Green
Vice President - Shane West
Treasurer - Lori West
Secretary - Laura Lynn Jordan
Community/Involvement: Debbie King

2023-24 Booster Club Meeting Dates:
9/12/23 - CHS Media Center - 6:00PM
10/17/23 - CHS Media Center - 6:30 PM
11/14/23 - CHS Media Center - 6:30 PM